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A spectacular event to make you forget all about food

‘KOOZA’… Such a magical word, but what is it? Does it mean anything, or does it represent something? What story does it tell?

The idea of Cirque du Soleil’s production is all about having this ‘circus in a box’. Hence the word ‘KOOZA’ is taken from its Sanskrit version meaning ‘box’ or even ‘treasure’. Not magical enough yet? Well read on…

The story is close at heart to many people in the contemporary world. It evolves around a lonely and melancholic guy - The Innocent, who (just like most of us) is looking for his place in this world. When The Innocent meets The Trickster, and once the treasure box opens the magical journey begins.

We meet with enchanting characters, wearing mesmerizing costumes, which take your breath away! Their performance, which is physically demanding (as you would guess) keeps you at the edge of your seat, praying for everything to go well; and at the same time with your mouth open from the beauty that your eyes see! And to my astonishment, despite all the strength and efforts needed from the artists, their smiles were not lost from their faces even for a second!

Throughout the whole journey, the audience enjoys various acts. Some of my favourite ones were the high wire, hoop manipulation, the Wheel of death, contortion… what am I talking about – I loved them all!!! Many ladies’ (including myself) were impressed by the magic trick, and I’m sure each one of us is jealous of Joan now.

If all the tricks, the costumes and the effects didn’t get you indulged in the story, the actors’ engagement of the audience must have done the trick! The best part of the whole show is the fact that the performers communicate with their spectators. There were various jokes exchanged between the actors and the public, we were being thrown popcorn at and so on. This made me feel so amazed and frankly even special! I felt like I was part of the show.

Let’s not forget to mention the incredible live music, which left me spellbound! The gracious singers often enticed us from watching the artists performing their acts! Thank you KOOZA for this experience!

So what do you say, are you ready to unlock your imagination?

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