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A soup a day, keeps the doctor away!

When I was a child, I used to hate soup! I hated the way it looked! I hated that I was being told that I should, or in fact must, eat my soup because it’s healthy! Why couldn’t my parents just leave me alone eat my chips and pasta without nagging about having some soup beforehand?!

Oh well, I guess now I know why… At the time of writing this article, I’m huddled up in my blanket whining about how terrible it is to have the flu, and all I want is to have some chicken soup! Ah, my mum’s chicken soup. I miss it now!

I am not going to tell you how scientists have proven something or how studies have shown another thing… I am simply going to explain what I know from my grandmas about the ‘benefits of eating soup’.

Firstly, when it is cold outside, a nice bowl of soup can quickly warm you up. Everybody has heard that eating chicken soup helps you fight a cold. Actually, I should go and make myself some in a bit…

Anyway, soup can be a nice midday snack if you feel like you want to have a bite, but are not entirely hungry for a proper meal. On that account, it is a very healthy ‘snack’ due to the high amount of fresh veggies in it (when talking about homemade soup).

If you are a person like me, whose vitamin intake is rather low due to poor nutrition, soups are a great solution to your problem. Instead of spending money on buying vitamins to fortify your immune system, just make some soup! Also, a good soup contains just about the right amount of fiber and protein, which are essential for a healthy lifestyle. You can check the recipe section for a nice soup variety (which shall expand soon).

Additionally, if you are struggling to lose weight, soups can be very helpful! They are rather filling (as I mentioned), so they can kill your monstrous appetite, especially if you combine it with some croutons. Soups are quite low on energy density, which suggests that they have few calories. So ladies, do your waist a favour and grab a bowl! But be careful, avoid soups which contain cream!!!

Alors, enjoy!

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